
Quickly add a new section in scrivener for mac
Quickly add a new section in scrivener for mac

quickly add a new section in scrivener for mac quickly add a new section in scrivener for mac

Notice also that, in the same row, there is no tick for ‘Text’.įor Level 2+ (my scenes), the ‘Title’ is unticked and the ‘Text’ is ticked. This is the default option, which means (unless you change it) whatever title you used for your chapters will appear at the start of each chapter. Notice that, when you select File / Compile and reveal the formatting tab, the column headed ‘Title’ shows a tick against the yellow highlighted Level 1+.


I’m content with 1, 2a, 2b, 3, 4, … How to control what appears as the title when compiling So, I don’t need to spend precious time renaming all my folders whenever I make a change to the structure of my novel. No, because Scrivener gives you the option not to use your folder titles, and to use automatic numbering instead. Won’t that look daft when the book is compiled? No … In the example, I’ve broken chapter 2 into two and called them 2a and 2b. If later, I decide a chapter is too large and I need to break it into two smaller chapters, I’ll retitle only those two. While I am writing my outline, I stick this simple system: 1, 2, 3, 4, … Here, I have called the chapters Chapter 1, Chapter 2, Chapter 3 and this next one is destined to be Chapter 4. While this dummy text is still highlighted in blue, you can type your chosen title. When you create a new folder for a new chapter, Scrivener labels it as ‘New Folder’. It’s totally up to you, and, as a bonus, Scrivener offers to automate the numbering for you. Structuring in Scrivener is all about creating folders and documents, and one of the first decisions you’ll be making is choosing whether just to number your chapters or to have titles, or both, or neither. So, let’s explore today’s topic: Chapter titles and numbering … Chapter titles and numbering My advice is to leave the defaults as they are and, only if you feel the need to change something, should you start to explore what options are open to you. Because Scrivener offers so much flexibility and gives you so many options to choose between, sometimes you may feel overwhelmed by it all.

Quickly add a new section in scrivener for mac